
Fallout 4 remove crafting requirements
Fallout 4 remove crafting requirements

While it's open, you can highlight objects while looking directly at them.

fallout 4 remove crafting requirements fallout 4 remove crafting requirements

The Workshop menu is context sensitive and can be a bit baffling. You can walk freely around the available base-building area, which is marked by a glowing green border. When you have the Workshop Menu open, you don't have to stand still. Unfortunately, inventory items aren't shared between workshops, so you'll need to collect these items and carry them off with you when you decide to start or improve another settlement. When you approach a Workshop device you'll be given the option to transfer items rather than start crafting offload all your junk and unwanted inventory items here. You can also open the menu from some of the Workshop's machines. Whenever you're within the boundaries of a Workshop you can open the Workshop menu by holding down the switch view button (touch pad on PS4). (On subsequent playthroughs, note that you can actually activate the Sanctuary Hills Workshop before heading to Concord if you like.) So ignore the tempting Red Rocket service station and power through those first few hours of play it'll all make sense soon. This is the point at which you should start hoarding materials, investigating the workshop menu and crafting stuff trying to make sense of it all before you have settlers and a good range of resources puts you at a disadvantage. Speaking to the Wastelanders after they arrive kicks off a series of crafting tasks, which are designed to introduce you to the core concepts of base building while surrounded by resources and provided with a few bodies to perform tasks. You definitely want to do this, as it's where you get your Power Armor, but most importantly you should finish the quest here and then meet a group of Wastelanders back in Sanctuary. Soon after you leave Vault 111, the main story quest will prompt you to visit Concord. Don't start crafting till you unlock the Sanctuary Workshop

fallout 4 remove crafting requirements fallout 4 remove crafting requirements

It's definitely worth persevering through the initial confusion, so let's talk through crafting, base building and the Sanctuary quest. This is the legacy of hardcore, old-school CRPGs - and Fallout fans wouldn't have it any other way. The quest descriptions are uninformative. The explanatory tutorial prompts pop up behind trophy notifications and can't be retrieved. The inventory menu on your Pip-Boy makes your eyes glaze over. No, I hear you, buddy: Fallout 4 is pretty damn overwhelming. Fallout 4 gives you a great deal of freedom and not a lot of guidance on how to take advantage.

Fallout 4 remove crafting requirements